Spring Cleaning

Spring is just around the corner and here are some tips to DE-CLUTTER!

1. If you haven’t worn it in a year, someone will wear it and enjoy it! That’s my motto, why keep clothing hanging in the closet when someone else can use that coat, sweater or really tight pair of jeans. If you haven’t worn it in the previous 4-6 seasons, chances are you won’t. So go ahead and give it to someone who will make good use of the clothing and shoes you “might” wear sometime soon.
2. Rotate pictures, art and display items. Some people love to collect and then they have these decor items and artwork in their garages, cabinets or in the back of the closet. Get them out and enjoy them! Make a quarterly or bi-annual plan to change out your household decor items and make use of what you have.
3. What are you waiting for? I hear so many people say they have so much nice china, serving pieces and other fine dining table items. Or better yet, their living room furniture just sits in the living room and is never used! What’s the sense of having it if you are not using it? Don’t wait until the right moment, go ahead and serve Sunday night supper on the fine china and sit in the living room and read a book, best to do it now then when you can’t.
4. Garage sales are fun and a great way to get rid of items you don’t have any use for. After all, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure. Just remember to check your local community rules and regulations to ensure whether or not permits, licenses are required and what your tax code obligations are.
5. The ultimate Spring cleaning is to move. Spring is the busiest and best time of year to list your home and a sure way to remove items you don’t want to bring to the new home. The first step to listing your home is to interview realtors, have them provide you with a home sale evaluation and then read and sign their listing agreement. A general rule of thumb in Los Angeles is the realtor’s commission is 5% but like everything in life, it’s negotiable.

Until next time,
Your La Realtor 365,